Main Street News June 2015

IBBA Semi-Annual Report to Members Webinar

Please click here to register for the upcoming IBBA Semi-Annual Report webinar scheduled for Tuesday, June 16 at 3:00 pm Eastern (New York) time. IBBA’s Chair, Cress V. Diglio, will provide an update regarding year-to-date performance on key 2015 goals and share more details about the exciting initiatives ahead. Cress will also address the IBBA Board’s decision to hire allyAMC as the new management company.


Cress V. Diglio, CBI, M&AMI 2015 Char of the IBBA

Message From The Chair

Cress Diglio headshotIt is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I write this article. While I am always excited when it comes to IBBA matters, it members and its mission, I believe we are organizationally at a pivotal juncture that will have lasting impact on our long-term prosperity.

Like many exciting things in life, the true mix of emotions contains both a sense of thrill and nervousness. That is common when we face change, right? But without change, we don’t evolve, we don’t grow, and we certainly don’t lead. And without change, we get the same results as we always have.

The IBBA needs – and its members deserve – new and better results. We need better communication with our members, to openly share our challenges, plans and successes. We need to deliver a member value proposition so compelling that joining is barely questionable. We need to maintain the esteem of the CBI designation and build awareness of its value with our target audiences.

The time for change is now, and I would like to set the tone by inviting you to our first Semi-Annual Report To Members Webinar on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 3:00pm Eastern. Please click here.

During this webinar, I will update you on our year-to-date performance on key 2015 goals and share more details about the exciting initiatives ahead. I will also address the IBBA Board’s decision to hire allyAMC as the new management company. This is an important call and I hope you can join us.

As always, I feel humbled and privileged to serve as Chair of the IBBA and am personally committed to ensuring positive advancements for our organization during my tenure. I know my fellow Board and Committee members feel the same. As we go through this change together, I ask for your continued trust and confidence. We will not let you down.


In Memory of David Cottingham

David CottinghamReprinted with permission from Murphy Business

It is with deep sadness and sympathy we announce the passing of a friend and colleague, David Cottingham. He was larger than life and encouraged us all to live life to the fullest. David will be deeply missed.

Join us in sharing our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy to his wife Lynda, his children Kevin and Caroline, and their entire family.


Jeff Snell, M&AMI, CBI, ABI ENLIGN Business Brokers

Getting Involved in the IBBA Leadership

Jeff SnellAs a member of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), I am sure you are well aware of our mission: “The International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) is a trade association of business brokers providing education, conferences, professional designations, and networking opportunities. The mission of the IBBA is to promote members’ professional development and interests, and to maximize public awareness of the business brokering profession.”

Many members do not realize or have yet to explore the variety of ways that they can become active and contributing members without sacrificing a considerable amount of time.

Being active in the IBBA is an opportunity to stand out from your peers, make valuable professional connections and to obtain recognition as a result of time served in committee positions.

The IBBA would not be where it is today without the direction and leadership of many people throughout the years. In addition to the men and women who have chosen to step up each year to lead the association, there are also several pivotal members who have won prestigious awards in the association, such as the Tom West Award, the Fellow of the IBBA, and the Chairman’s Award.

Currently, the Communications Committee is seeking business brokerage professionals who want to get involved by writing articles for the monthly IBBA newsletter publication and assisting with social media promotions through LinkedIn, FaceBook, and Twitter.

Becoming actively involved in the Communications Committee provides value through leadership, networking, and recognition from peers, customers, and the community. Additionally, the IBBA provides credits for such involvement towards CBI recertification. The IBBA will provide 5 credits per year to participants in an IBBA Committee as well as those professionals either contributing to IBBA publications or submitting a published article that mentions the IBBA. For more details, please consult the IBBA Certified Business Intermediary Policy.

Ultimately, being an active participant in the IBBA is where valuable industry networks are built and recognition is earned. The value received through the dedication of a little time, effort, and contribution of ideas is substantial. For details in becoming involved, please contact Jeff Snell, Communications Chair, IBBA at 919.624.1124 or [email protected].


New IBBA Broker Roundtable Program Starts Next Month

Last month the IBBA announced the Broker Roundtable pilot program and solicited interest from six to eight IBBA members. We received responses immediately and of those who submitted applications, seven brokers have been selected to participate and will begin their first Broker Roundtable next month!

The IBBA Broker Roundtable is designed to provide IBBA members with a high-trust environment with a small group of professionals who will support each other in the pursuit of excellence in their career of business brokerage. If you’ve participated in the Mastermind Sessions at one of IBBA’s recent conferences, you’ve seen this concept in action!

If you are interested in participating in a Broker Roundtable in the future, please complete the online application. Once the Broker Roundtable pilot program kicks off, additional Roundtables will be organized and a member of the IBBA Membership Committee or staff will follow up with you to establish next steps.

Please note this program is only available to current IBBA members in good standing. If you have not joined or renewed, please do so prior to applying in order to be considered! Questions? Contact [email protected].

Introducing the IBBA “Broker Roundtable” Program
Are you interested in connecting with a small group of IBBA members over the phone once a month to learn from fellow brokers, share success stories, ask clarifying questions and suggest solutions for challenges you’ve recently met?

The IBBA is seeking six to eight participants in its first-ever IBBA Broker Roundtable. The IBBA Broker Roundtable is designed to provide IBBA members with a high-trust environment with a small group of professionals who will support each other in the pursuit of excellence in their career of business brokerage. If you’ve participated in the Mastermind Sessions at one of IBBA’s recent conferences, you’ve seen this concept in action!

If you are interested in participating in the “pilot program”, please complete the online application by April 30. A member of the IBBA Membership Committee will follow up with you after the deadline on next steps.

Please note this program is only available to current IBBA members in good standing. If you have not joined or renewed, please do so by April 30 in order to be considered!

Questions? Contact IBBA’s Director of Operations, Kay Ciesla: [email protected].


Jeff Snell, M&AMI, CBI, ABI ENLIGN Business Brokers

New CBI Logo Now Available

Are you a CBI? If so, there’s something new for you! Whether you just passed the exam at the recent Atlantic City, NJ conference or you’ve held the prestigious designation for decades, you can now download a high resolution CBI shield logo to use for print and online marketing.

If you are a current CBI, you can log into your profile at any time to access the new logo via these easy steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Visit the “Access your Profile” link at the top right-hand corner of the website
  3. Enter your login credentials
  4. Click on “My Digital Library” in the My Profile section
  5. Open the “2015 CBI logo” folder and download the file

Jeff SnellAn updated logo will be released to the current CBIs each year as a benefit for use in your marketing materials, such as brochures, business cards, websites and email signatures. Not only will this help you spread the word that you’re a CBI, but use of the logo will help elevate the visibility of this prestigious designation to the rest of the brokerage community!

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Headquarters at [email protected].


Zac Cartwright


Pratt's Stats® Private Deal Update_2 copyThe information provided below is excerpted from the Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update: 2nd Quarter 2015, which is copyrighted by and available exclusively from Business Valuation Resources, LLC. Brokers who contribute transaction details to Pratt’s Stats on closed business sales receive the complete Private Deal Update plus three months of free access to the database for each deal included in Pratt’s Stats.

The quarterly Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update (PDU) provides general trend information on valuation multiples and profit margins for transactions in the Pratt’s Stats database, available exclusively through Business Valuation Resources, LLC (BVR) at

Financial advisors, merger and acquisition professionals, business appraisers, business brokers, investment bankers and many others use the Pratt’s Stats database to determine the value of their subject company by applying the market approach with comparable company data.
Pratt’s Stats is the premier source for private business purchase details and includes both private and public buyers with over 100 data points that highlight the financial and transactional details of the business sales. As of the publication date, the Pratt’s Stats database contains 16,100 transactions in which the buyer was a private party. The database includes over 23,034 transactions in which a privately held company was sold to either a private or public buyer.

The charts and graphs presented below display median values.

MVIC: Total consideration paid to the seller and includes any cash, notes and/or securities that were used as a form of payment plus any interest-bearing liabilities assumed by the buyer. The MVIC price includes the non-compete value and the assumption of interest-bearing liabilities and excludes (1) the real estate value and (2) any earn-outs (because they have not yet been earned, and they may not be earned) and (3) the employment/consulting agreement values.Pratt's Stats® Private Deal Update_1
Pratt's Stats® Private Deal Update_3
bar graph showing the median operating profit margin

International Business Brokers Association

Members who submit completed transaction information receive a three-month complimentary subscription to Pratt’s Stats, for each included deal, as well as a complimentary subscription to Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update, a quarterly publication analyzing private company acquisitions from the Pratt’s Stats database. Pratt’s Stats collects private business transactions of main street businesses from business brokers, as well as from middle market M&A advisors where a public company purchases a private company. The Pratt’s Stats database is updated monthly with an average of 100 transactions. Pratt’s Stats users enjoy:

  • Easy searching that identifies comparable transactions by keyword, revenue range, industry name, SIC code, profitability margins, company name, and more
  • Hard-to-find data on how deals are structured including payment terms, purchase price alloca- tions, employment agreements, non-compete agreements, private company financial state- ments, private company financial ratios
  • Valuation multiples that point to the greatest value drivers
  • The ability to track market pricing trends via Pratt’s Stats timely deal updates
  • Access to payment term information including contingency payment and transaction fee details
  • Asking price vs. selling price comparisons for spread analysis
  • Listing date and selling date inclusions for time-on-market analysis

For more information about Pratt’s Stats, contact Doug Twitchell at [email protected], Adam Manson at [email protected], or Zac Cartwright at [email protected] or visit Contribute to learn more.


Pratt’s Stats – Financial Details on 23,030+ Business Sales

As a key stakeholder in the transfers of private businesses, you know how crucial comparable business data is to pricing your clients’ companies. Pratt’s Stats, published by Business Valuation Resources (BVR) and featured in Inc. Magazine and the New York Times, contains detailed financial information on 23,030+ acquired private companies.

BVR invites you to submit your closed transaction details to Pratt’s Stats, the leading private company transaction database. In exchange you’ll receive complimentary access to: 1) all financial and transaction data in the Pratt’s Stats database, 2) a subscription to the Pratt’s Stats Private Deal UpdateTM, and 3) use of the new, time-saving tool, Pratt’s Stats AnalyzerTM. You can submit confidentially— we won’t disclose any information you do not wish to.

3 Easy Steps to Submit

  1. Register online at:
  2. Gather your closed transaction deals and login
  3. Click on “Submit Deal” and complete the form (you can also submit closed transactions via fax/email). If you have a larger quantity of closed transactions to submit (100+), a BVR representative will travel to your office (free of charge) to review and enter the deals!

Submit Your Closed Transaction Details and We’ll Give You:

  • 3 months of FREE access to Pratt’s Stats for EACH closed transaction you submit that’s included in Pratt’s Stats
  • Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update – a quarterly analysis of private company acquisitions by private buyers from the Pratt’s Stats database
  • Use of the Pratt’s Stats Analyzer – a time saving tool to help you more easily and quickly analyze the sales you find in your searches
  • Listing in BVR’s referral directory – used by sellers and buyers searching for intermediaries
  • Chance to win an iPad Mini for EACH closed transaction you submit that’s included in Pratt’s Stats. The more sold deals you submit, the more entries you receive into our quarterly drawing.

Don’t wait – submit your transactions today and reap the rewards! For more information, please contact: Zac Cartwright or (971) 200-4840


Upcoming Events

Sep 13-16, 2015 Fall Educational Summit
November 9-14 Fall Conference

New Members

Angela Agazzi
Ron Brazda
Sarah Breitreiter
Frances Brunelle
Rick Carlson
Diane Conrad
Thomas Crumpton
Albert Diaz
Scott Duke
Albert Fialkovich
Todd Fry
Andrew Holtgrewe
Mark Iuzzolino
Yasmine Jandali
Lawrence Jones
Robert Marchand
Karen Marchant
Thomas O’Brien
Alan Oppenheimer
Russ Pogue
Kevin Ramsier
Kathleen Richardson-Mauro
Orlando Rivera
Kimberley Rivero
Tom Shayoka
Brian Stephens
Henry Tiberi
Peter Tur
Michael Vacca
Susan K. Walter
Mike Weldon
Bob Wolter

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