Baris Guler
Member Since September 25, 2018
phone 561-756-9222
email [email protected]
Boca Raton, FL 33431 United States
apartment VR Business Brokers, M&A
"Valued Representation” is the meaning behind our name. It is the service we deliver to every client. It is the intelligent decision to make when considering a change for your business. Every day, more and more business owners demand our proven skills and resources to help them succeed in an increasingly complex middle market. Drawing on a heritage that began in 1979, VR is considered the innovative leader in the sale of privately held enterprise.
Specialty Areas
- Accommodations
- Construction
- eCommerce
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Finance & Insurance
- Food & Beverage
- Health Care/Social Assistance
- Manufacturing
- Real Estate Rental & Leasing
- Retail Trade
- Wholesale Trade